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Croatian Eagles
Pre-Season Conditioning Camp- 2024

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Looking for a great fitness and pre-season conditioning program? Or maybe you just want to knock the rust of your son or daughter to get them away from their screens for an hour! This camp is for players with birth years 2015-2006. Players will be grouped by age, fitness and ability in order to maximize each individuals goals.
This camp has proven to be very popular and effective in getting your son or daughter ready for the rigors of the upcoming fall season. Come train with a friend and kick the season off right. Registration for this camp is open through July 21st.


  • Staff:

    • Director of Coaching at Croatian Eagles- Mickey Mala
      Technical Director- Mike Koch
      Other Nationally Licensed Croatian Eagles Staff Coaches

  • Dates:

    • Monday, July 22-Thursday, July 25

  • Times:

    • 9:00 AM- 10:15 AM

  • Place:

    • Croatian Eagles Soccer Park

  • Cost:

    • $65 per player


What to bring? Water, water, and more water! Wear comfortable athletic clothing (no pants); bring soccer cleats, shin guards and a soccer ball, as we may need them for this camp.


Online Waiver: Fill out the mandatory online waiver here

Questions? Please email Mickey Mala, Mike Koch

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